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Sail to the Moon

This bracket light utilizes the crystalline pattern processing of aluminum. By using an aluminum plate that glitters when tilted as a reflector, a fantastic product that changes its expression depending on the angle of the light has been created. The name "Sail to the Moon" was inspired by the relationship between the sun and the moon, symbolized in a structure that can freely adjust its angle to the light.

アルミの結晶模様加工を活かしたブラケットライト。傾けるたびにきらきら光るアルミ板を照明の反射板に取り入れることで、光の角度によって表情が変化する幻想的なプロダクトが生まれました。光に対して自在に角度を変えることができる帆のような構造に、太陽と月の関係を重ね合わせ「Sail to the Moon」と名付けています。

Project type /  Product Design

Client /  Prototype for Milano Salone Satellite 2024

Prototype Manufacture /  Y.S.M

Materials provided by Alplate Co., Ltd.

Photo /  Ryoukan Abe

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